2024 Self-Reflections

As the leaves descend every fall, I always take a moment to be present and self-reflect. These are eye-opening moments where I might include journaling as an avenue for new horizons and perspectives. This past autumn, the world was confronted with the sad realities of the ongoing conflict in Israel, the Middle East and the generational divisions fueled by hate and antisemitic remarks in the United States. These experiences have underscored the importance of authenticity, having a voice, and the profound impact of how we communicate our messages. 

In these situations, information and education equate to power! The energy and the words used in our narrative have the power to build or tear down. Also, when misused, words' context, meaning, and roots create misinformation. 

This has deepened my appreciation for the Collective Legacy Leadership Model, a framework I developed. This model measures authenticity and emotional calibration in leadership. It underscores that while honesty in sharing our thoughts is crucial, how we convey them is equally significant and heavily influenced by the energy and emotions we bring to the conversation. 

My primary purpose in sharing these insights is to empower you to discern better paths forward, especially in challenging times like the one we are now going through. Applying the principles of emotional calibration intertwined with a high level of authenticity will result in a narrative that is neutral to conflict, honest, and focused on the relevant. Everyone involved is on the same page and respects each other. Even if there are disagreements, everyone pushes toward the same goal. 

In these circumstances, initiating change often necessitates a change in perspective. In moments of conflict, the authenticity of our message may falter if it is not delivered with the right intent. Those emotions create clouds that fog the message. This can create a biased interpretation of what is communicated, its intention, and its true motivator.

This shift becomes the starting point for broadening the spectrum through which you observe, think, and take action. 

  1. Do not repeat behaviors you do not love about your parents, mentors, co-workers, bosses, or close friends. If you dream of a radical change and do not want your personal story to repeat in your life, raise your awareness. 

  2. Focus on what you can control. Allow others to do as they please. Being annoyed at something you cannot control is not worth your time. It will be detrimental to both parties.  It will inhibit both authenticity and emotional calibration.

  3. When you allow others to proceed with freedom, you are creating an opening into their perspective. The less you force, the more you allow, and the more you will receive. When you give others their power back with an empowering narrative, this is when you invite them to step in and tap into their brilliance. This carries over the risk of mistakes and, at the same time, the learning from those wrongdoings. The spark that makes people different from others is ignited by each individual's unique perspectives, making them truly unique and authentic. 

  4. Own your conflict and let others give evidence. The less you engage in others' emotions, feelings, and conflicts, the more they will see and own their conflict. When you release yourself from your own conflicts, you gain the power to separate yourself from the situation rather than being pulled back into your feedback loop. 

  5. You master what you repeat. Choose a positive and empowering narrative. Select those important behaviors to incorporate, and by repetition, you will make them part of your discipline and part of you.  Ensure you are becoming the master of positive things and not the disciplinarian of negative ones. 

  6. Your commitment comes from your intention and motivation. If you need to motivate others, you must clearly understand that true commitment does not happen because you say so; it needs to come from within.

  7. Pick your battles, and choose them wisely. The Battle of Troy was not won overnight. Apply strategic thinking and follow through with consistent actions. Life with awareness and without shifting a behavior will not move you forward. Introspection and self-reflection are the beginning and will not take you into action.

  8. When helping others, go with the facts. When you need others' help, going with your emotions might take you to a place where results might not be consciously based. Going with the facts and asking questions will allow you to tap into others' logic and create less hesitation and conscious-based actions.

  9. Conscious-based vs. fear-based changes. Conscious-based changes transform the individual. Fear-based changes will bring this person back to the starting line. If you are making fear-based changes with courage, you must understand the secret lies in where and how to pivot. You can be scared and still try to have that behavior that will take you toward what you want to attract.

  10. Allowing outer beauty to bring light into your life is like having a dream with a dead end. Your life can look great from the outside; things that make you feel down might be hidden in certain moments and will still be blocking you. This is a trap that successful environments tend to create. Know that you are not alone and can find someone who can guide you. Make a difference in your life. Believe in yourself and create an internal power that fortifies your self-worth. 

  11. “You can only change yourself; you cannot change others unless they want to.” Once you've done your work, you might feel transformed. At this moment, it is important to observe that others are still where they were before. In this case, they might listen to you from the same perspective as they did previously.

That's why I love the Collective Legacy Leadership model. It establishes a narrative that exudes neutral energy, prioritizes relevance, and nurtures individual authenticity and emotional calibration. This harmonious approach ensures complete alignment, where your thoughts, words, and actions resonate seamlessly.

You can openly express your thoughts with freedom, unwavering conviction, and thoughtful consideration. Picture an environment where everyone can openly and transparently share their perspectives, free from judgment or conflict. Regardless of agreement or disagreement, respect prevails, and a united effort is dedicated to advancing the more significant cause. Egos takes a back seat; objectivity and discernment lead the way, and pride is left out of the equation. It truly sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

I currently have two spots available for the next quarter. You can reach out to me if this blog post resonates with you.

A wonderful 2024 is about to begin!



Gisela Lowenstein

I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently, I reside in Miami, Florida, with my husband, Diego Lowenstein, and our three adult children.


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