How Gratitude Frees Us
Photo credit: Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash
Our default mode is the way we are prone to act or react in certain moments or circumstances, especially when we are challenged. It is what we do instinctually without thinking. Because we all have a default mode it is important to raise our awareness and observe how our default mode functions.
In many occasions our default is in survival mode and we can’t think clearly or move forward. With awareness and understanding that this style of thinking is not serving us, we can then shift our energy. We can initiate the shift through many ways—one of them is by choosing appreciation.
When we are able to shift or elevate our energy we can also hack our default mode and shift our current paradigm by curbing our tendency to focus on problems. By doing this, when we can see the reality with different lenses, we can then come to understand and comprehend our reality from a different perspective—one of empowerment. Through this process we find solutions and find ways to make things work.
So, if you are struggling with being positive and you want to get in the flow, a great start is to shift what you are putting your attention to—start appreciating the things around you. The same way we work out to have our muscles in shape, consistent gratitude, as a habit, will build up positivity. With repetition and routine, this habit will be a part of you.
Once you are able to change your default settings, you will notice a big difference in the way you show up in the game of life. You will look at life with different lenses and this can also bring you clarity and inspiration. With clarity and inspiration you can begin moving forward, with fewer obstacles. The lack of obstacles and the positive engaged new energy might also help you into becoming more creative.
By doing this overtime, you will incorporate positivity into your experience and that shifts everything because the power of positivity and appreciation changes our outlook about life. Positive energy and its healing powers create a space for us to choose our core beliefs, and move forward with confidence . This space inspires us and guides us—it gives us room to create freely and fly high!
Actionable exercise
If you find yourself stuck in negative thoughts, cultivating gratitude will help you raise your mood and energy. How can you start practicing gratitude today? Here are a few things to consider:
· Mindfulness will bring you to a place of presence and awareness of the current moment. This is the best place to start.
· Focus on what you have and be appreciative of those things. You can do this mentally or in writing.
· Create a gratitude list that is updated daily.
· Tip: Practice appreciating everything that you feel is contributing to you, from a beautiful flower you see, to the blue sky, to the smile of a loved one or a stranger
· Be kind to yourself and appreciate what you do and be thankful for what you can bring to your daily life (experience) and understand that you and only you create its own experience.
· Everyday remember that your smile needs to be coming from your heart