In tough times resilience is key
Photo credit: Joshua Earle on Unsplash
Because this pandemic has changed the rules of the game, it is important to consider the value of resilience during this time. This trait is key in life because you will always find challenges in the course of moving toward yours goals.
Resilience, with its blend of flexibility and positive thinking, helps us observe and adapt when roadblocks are encountered. It even allows us to re-explore internal narratives to keep us moving forward. This is important because your self-talk matters when pursuing goals. Ask yourself:
Which words am I using in the stories I tell myself?
What energy am I bringing to this inner dialogue?
By raising your awareness of this internal dialogue, you will be better equipped to state a narrative that motivates you, serves you, and lifts you up. Adopting a growth mindset will also boost your resilience and motivation when times get rough. People with a growth mindset believe that skills and even talents can be learned.
Such flexibility and belief enables them to be active and dynamic in creating their own reality and future. It is about working toward your vision—while addressing those elements needed to make it a reality, even during tough times—that helps us become masters of self-actualization!
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin